Friday, January 7, 2011

Top Ten Myths about your credit card use and your credit score

It seems everywhere you look, some program or Web site offers credit fixes, offers and deals that make it seem so easy to consolidate debt or, worse, get “easy credit” to buy the things you need. They offer “free credit analysis”-many of which will most likely lead you down a path of credit destruction. Most of what is out there is just plain misinformation and contradicts the steps you are taking to improve and maintain your credit scores. The best defense against making a credit blunder is to better educate yourself about credit and ways to manage it. 
Consumers and credit professionals wage the battle for credit education and improvement on several fronts. Initially, I want to help you become aware of the fact that credit scores and reports hold the key to all hopes of obtaining financial freedom, the best rates on home and auto loans, and of course, the American dream. I understand the system and I know how you can benefit from taking the smartest steps. If I do my job well for you, I will help educate you on the factors that make up your score, ways to navigate the system, and how to get good credit and keep it.
One of the ways I can help you avoid the traps of dangerous credit mistakes is to challenge 10 common credit card myths. Once you learn the truth behind these myths, you’ll be in a more knowledgeable position to distinguish between positive credit options and negative credit advice that can destroy your credit scores.

Over the next few days we'll  review each of these myths together.

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