Monday, February 21, 2011

Good credit is imperative

Good credit is imperative because it is your golden ticket to financial freedom for right NOW and it prepares the foundation for financial security LATER. Isn’t that what we all seek?
In planning for tomorrow by improving your situation today, you can eliminate the risk of limited financial security for your retirement years. You don’t want to work forever, and you shouldn’t have to. You can take immediate action that will enable you to set yourself up for a more secure future by simply being wiser about how you manage your credit, your debts and your finances.
So what is the single first step we can take toward planning for a more secure future and retirement? It begins with ensuring that we put ourselves in a position in which we derive the very best value from every financial commitment we make. The best value means NOT spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on high interest rates for credit cards, auto loans and mortgages.
So how we can position ourselves to get the best value from our financial commitments? Simple. We make sure that our Credit Scores are above 740 at all times.

A Quick Education On The Credit Score

Here’s a little primer on how credit scores evolved. Developed in the 1950’s by Fair Isaac & Co., credit scores hit mainstream use in the 1980’s when three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion negotiated an agreement to create an objective and fair scoring system that would analyze all of your data, compare it with the way thousands of people pay their bills, and come up with a three digit number between 350 and 850 that indicates whether or not you are a good credit risk. As you probably guessed, the higher the number, the better your chances are of getting the loan at the best interest rate.
Today, credit scores are the No. 1 piece of data on which people are judged to determine whether or not they get approved for loans and how much interest they will pay for those loans. The good news is loan approval now only takes a few minutes. The bad news is that the credit score is now becoming widely used by not only the lending industry, but also by employers, utility companies, insurance companies and cell phone companies, and the list is growing every day.
A good score opens doors that will lead to abundant opportunities both for now and for a more secure future, and by having a complete understanding of what makes up a good score, you can start right now on the path to a higher credit score and a better financial life.

Over the next few posts we'll go over these in detail. Again, feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Professor Deb

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